Finding Empowerment In Grief & Loss©

Finding Empowerment In Grief & Loss Bundle

Engage your brain to help your heart.

Molly Killip Campbell

Finding Empowerment In Grief & Loss©

Are you looking for a personal path and a way to be guided gently from the heartbreak and despair of grief toward more emotional balance and increasing self-confidence?

Driven by the isolation of the pandemic, Molly Campbell wrote Finding Empowerment in Grief & Loss© from her own discovery of a journaling process that unlocked and delivered surprising possibilities for her life beyond deep grief.

In this guided journaling journey you, too, can find your uniquely personal empowerment & emerge from the heart-wrenching effects of your grief and loss to embrace a brighter future.

Finding Empowerment In Grief & Loss

Workbook with Guided Journaling & Adult Coloring Pages

What emerged for Molly from reviewing her journaling and paying attention to the lessons she saw there became the surprising process of guided journaling that evolved into her book and subsequent much expanded workbook, Finding Empowerment in Grief & Loss and has sparked her Own Your Self-Esteem© series.

Anyone suffering the deep emotional effects of loss or grief can take their own unique journey turning inward on this guided path toward increasing their self-esteem and feeling better about themselves. The journaling journey that helped Molly survive, dare to thrive and wanting to share what she’s learned with others is her offering out of a dark time to those seeking a better, brighter future.


Finding Empowerment In Grief & Loss Bundle

Finding Empowerment In Grief & Loss© Course

Survival Guide
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Deep Grief and Loss Survival Tips