Workbook with Guided Journaling & Adult Coloring Pages

What emerged for Molly from reviewing her journaling and paying attention to the lessons she saw there became the surprising process of guided journaling that evolved into her book and subsequent workbook, Finding Empowerment in Grief & Loss© and has sparked her Own Your Self-Esteem© series.

Anyone suffering the deep emotional effects of loss or grief can take their own unique journey turning inward on this guided path toward increasing their self-esteem and feeling better about themselves. The journaling journey that helped Molly survive, dare to thrive and wanting to share what she’s learned with others is her offering out of a dark time to those seeking a better, brighter future.


Book 1 in the Own Your Self Esteem Series

Meet Molly Killip Campbell

Molly Killip Campbell has been a solo entrepreneur and a long time partner in a non-traditional healing practice with certifications in many alternative healing modalities for humans, horses and dogs. She managed $1B during her Wall Street career and was a corporate COO and VP. She has a BA in English and an MBA in Finance.

Molly has been passionate about increasing people’s self-esteem through coaching for many years but never more so than when she was suddenly widowed on the verge of the COVID pandemic. Left to navigate devastatingly deep grief in solitude as the worldwide lockdown spread, Molly turned to intense introspection writing about her feelings and experiences. Her determination to turn away from the avalanche of negative news led to her focusing on creating meaningful personal journal entries, which led to the creation of this beautiful book.

Molly lives with her two dogs in Colorado where her terriers enjoy many experiences in the performance ring and arena, loving to race, follow their noses, and cooperate in obedience and agility challenges. 

Molly Campbell



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